© 2005–2024 ПАО НК «РуссНефть»


Andrey Derekh
Andrey Derekh Chairman of the Remuneration and Nomination Committee
Independent Director
Date of birth:
Born in 1968
Minsk Radio Technical Institute, International Management Institute of the Belarus Republic.
Professional experience:
Started his career in 1992, in the Ministry of the State Property of Belarus.
From 1996 to 2002
Mr.Derekh worked as Director for Investments and Corporate Relations of OAO NGK Slavneft, Belarus.
In 2003
He set up and headed UNITER Investment Company, which he is currently chairing.
From 2011 to 2012
Held the position of Director for Finance and Corporate Affairsof Slavkaliy.
Member of the Foreign Investment Advisory Council at the Council of the Ministers of Belarus Republic.

Coordinator of the Partnership Programme of Warsaw Stock Exchange for Belorussian Companies IPOs
In accordance with the recommendations of PJSC Moscow exchange, Derekh A. signed the Declaration of the Board of Directors member recognized as independent
Consent to the processing of the above personal data permitted for distribution by PJSC “RussNeft” was obtained from a member of the Board of Directors. It does not follow from the consent given by the member of the Board of Directors to the processing of his personal data permitted for distribution that this person has agreed to their distribution to an unlimited number of persons.

Board of Directors

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Kuzmenkov Alexey Alexandrovich

Deputy Director General for Development of Razvitie LLC

Avalishvili David Guramovich

Vice President - Director of the Department for Advanced Projects and Services

Prozorovskaya Olga Evgenievna

Senior Vice President for Economics and Finance

Sergey Stepashin

Chairman of the Audit Committee
Independent Director