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Sergey Anatolyevich Karpenko
Sergey Anatolyevich Karpenko Director of the Department for Government Relations of PJSC “RussNeft”
Born on December 10, 1969

Higher education, G.V. Plekhanov St. Petersburg State Mining Institute, mining engineer-builder of underground structures and mines, 1994.

Professional experience over the past five years
Joined PJSC “RussNeft” in 2002. Currently, holds the position of Director of the Department for Government Relations, and is also a board member of OOO RN-Bryansk.
Consent to the processing of the above personal data permitted for distribution by PJSC “RussNeft” was obtained from a member of the Board of Directors. It does not follow from the consent given by the member of the Board of Directors to the processing of his personal data permitted for distribution that this person has agreed to their distribution to an unlimited number of persons.

Board of Directors

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Viktor Martynov

Chairman of the Board of Directors
Independent Director

Vladimir Lvovich Shcherbak

Advisor to the General Director of OOO Energo Oil

Anton Lvovich Maximov

Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Independent Director

Nikolay Alekseevich Sidsky

A member of the Moscow Bar