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From July RussNeft Exports Gas Oil via Transnefteproduct.

Beginning from July RussNeft has been exporting its gas oil from Syzran Refinery (possessed by Yukos) to Eastern Europe and Baltic States via Transnefteproduct, said Filipp Nikonov, a vice-president of Transnefteproduct, at the Second Annual International Conference ‘Export of Oil and Oil Products from Russia and CIS countries’.
05.09.2005 "Interfax"

RussNeft to Have Eliminated Violations of License Agreements at Tomsk Oilfields.

NK RussNeft OAO has eliminated the violations in the terms of the license agreement at a number of oilfields in the Tomsk region, as Interfax was informed by the local administration natural resources control committee’s deputy chairman Nickolay Ilyin.
05.09.2005 "Interfax"

Basayev Denounces Special Services and Threatens a Businessman

As was expected, Shamil Basayev made his next statement published on the rebels’ site “The Caucasus Center”. According to him it was the special services of North Ossetia that pushed him to organize the terrorist action. Moreover Abd Allah Shamil promises new bloody terrorist acts in Moscow, Volga region and the Urals.
05.09.2005 "Moskovsky Komsomolets"

Gibberish - No Comments.

This is how expressed themselves the press-services of some power authorities in relation to a message of the notorious Chechenian terrorist Shamil Basayev. The message was spread by some electronic mass media sources in the end of August. Formally Basayev having flowerily referred to himself as warlord Abd Allah Shamil Abu-Idris was carrying on polemics with one Chechenian journalist apropos of the last year tragic events in Beslan. And in this polemics it fell to the share of Russia’s authorities, special services and the well-known Russian businessman Mikhail Gutseriev.
05.09.2005 "Rossiyskaya Gazeta"

Schools Not Bullets

The next awesome statement of Basayev, replicated by mass media, is addressed not only to Russia’s authorities but for the first time to the domestic business. This time the terrorist, on whose conscience weigh hundreds of human lives, is threatening to Mikhail Gutseriev, a well-known businessman, the head of company Russneft.
02.09.2005 «Regions.Ru»