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Social Information Agency. 20 New Ambulances for Ulyanovsk Oblast Regions from Oil Company RussNeft.

The ambulances have been handed over to Ulyanovsk Oblast in the framework of the doling program for social establishments being implemented basing on the agreement between Ulyanovsk Oblast and NK RussNeft OAO.

"Mozaika". 20 New Ambulances Donated to Some Regions of Ulyanovsk Oblast.

The donation to Ulyanovsk Oblast was done by RussNeft, an oil company. The handing-over took place as part of a doling program for social establishments being implemented in the framework of the agreement between Ulyanovsk Oblast and NK RussNeft OAO.

"Regnum". 20 New Ambulance Cars Donated to Ulyanovsk Oblast Regions.

Therefore 20 new ambulances are significant help for Ulyanovsk doctors.

"RGD-Partner". RussNeft Philanthropy.

NK RussNeft OAO has raised St. Regal Matyrs Church in Idmurtiya. The consecration and inauguration of the Church took place on the 17th of July in Izhevsk, on the day of commemoration for St. Regal Martyrs.

" Day". Belkamneft Goes Ahead of Plan

During the first six months of the current year the production volume of Belkamneft OAO (Izhevsk, Udmurtiya) reached 1.770 million tons which is 6% more than set by the plan. The current production volume of RussNeft is 14.5 million tons of crude oil per year, which allows the Holding to go up in the rating of the 10 leading oil companies of Russia.