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RussNeft to Become an International Company Producing 60-80 Million Tons per Year Within 10 Years.

NK RussNeft OAO intends to become an international company within 10 year with extraction volumes ranging from 60 to 80 thousand tons of crude oil per year. It was announced by RussNeft President Mikhail Gutseriev at the press conference in the town of Zhecha in the Bryansk region.
02.06.2005 "RosBusinessConsulting"

Gutsriev Cuts a Window to Europe.

Mikhail Gutseriev's RussNeft has found a way to increase its crude oil export. The Company has constructed a railway oil loading terminal not far from Russia’s border with Byelorussia. The terminal transshipment capacity is 5 million thousand tons of crude per year.
02.06.2005 "Vedomosti"

RussNeft applies to FAS for purchase of Aganneftegasgeologiya and Tomskaya Neft.

NK RussNeft OAO has applied to RF Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) for permission to purchase Multitype Company Aganneftegasgeologiya OAO and Tomskaya Neft ZAO.
31.05.2005 "Interfax"

The First Time in Russia Street to Be Named after Businessman

RussNeft President Mikhail Gutseriev is the first businessman in Russia whose name will be given to a street.
27.05.2005 "Lenta"

Street in Chechnya Named after RussNeft President Mikhail Gutseriev

One of the streets in the village of Goity in the Urus-Martanovsky district of Chechnya has been named after the well-known Russian businessman Mikhail Gutseriev. The decision was taken at the gathering of the elders in the village of Goity as an acknowledgement of the contribution of Russia’s businessman in the revival of Chechnya. In April 2004 NK RussNeft OAO and the authorities of the Republic of Chechnya signed a cooperation agreement specifying large-scale support on the part of the company in tackling the most difficult social issues of Chechnya.
27.05.2005 "Pravda.Ru"