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Mikhail Gutseriev, president and major owner of company RussNeft is enhancing its oil business.

The company has acquired association Grand possessing 59 petrol stations in Moscow and 5 in the province. This is the second largest metropolitan retail network. As estimated by experts the amount of the deal ranges from $100 to $200 million. Another nearly $300 million RussNeft is prone to invest in 66% of Geoilbent, Novatek’s oil production asset.
21.03.2005 "The Finance"

King of Petrol Stations.

Mikhail Gutseriev has become an owner of metropolitan petrol stations. Company RussNeft headed by him has acquired Moscow’s biggest independent retail network called Grand.
21.03.2005 "The Company"

RussNeft Acquires ‘Grand’.

The company has bought a big retail network of petrol stations. As the Kommersant has found out, NK RussNeft OAO has come into possession of one of Moscow’s first-rate retail networks called Association Grand ZAO owing 64 petrol stations in Moscow and its province.
17.03.2005 "The Kommersant"

Refueling at Gutseriev’s. RussNeft Buys Grand, Biggest Independent Retail Network in Moscow.

As the Vedomosti has come to know that company RussNeft headed by Mikhail Gutseriev is buying the biggest in Moscow independent retail network called Grand.
17.03.2005 "The Vedomosti"

RussNeft to Invest One Billion Rubles Exploration at Tomsk Oblast.

In 2005 NK RussNeft OAO will invest one billion rubles in exploration of oilfields. As a Regnum correspondent informs, the statement was made by General Director of RussNeft Mikhail Gutseriev after the cooperation agreement between RussNeft and the Tomsk region administration had been signed.
16.02.2005 "Regnum"