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“Russia”. No matter what business you are in, you have to work for your people.

This is the credo of President of “Russneft” Mikhail Gutseriev. Founded by him oil company within less than two years came into the Top-10 of largest production holdings of the country. During this time Mikhail Gutseriev has proved that he is not only a true oil industry professional, successful businessman, but also a very reliable social partner of Russian people.

“Pravda.ru”. Winners of the International Premium “Profession-Life” are named.

Yesterday in one of the halls Christ the Savior Cathedral the first grand ceremony of the premium “Profession – Life” presentation. Mikhail Gutseriev was among other winners of the premium.

“Pravda.ru”. Prize-winners of “Russian National Olymp” premium are defined.

Past weekend in the State Kremlin palace tenth anniversary ceremony of presentation of the main All-Russian Public Premium “Russian National Olymp” took place.

“Den”. Gutseriev bought six oil fields in Tomskaya oblast.

Gutseriev bought six oil fields in Tomskaya oblast.

“RBC”. Gutseriev bought six oil fields in Tomskaya oblast.

Gutseriev bought six oil fields in Tomskaya oblast.