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OAO NK RussNeft increases recoverable resources increment in Saratov region

Saratov. OAO Saratovneftegaz, ОАО NK RussNeft producing subsidiary, increases recoverable resources increment in Saratov region.
26.11.2014 Interfax.ru

Basic production maintenance activities are ongoing at OAO NAK AKI-OTYR Nizhne-Shapshinskoye field

Khanty-Mansiysk. KhMAO-Yugra. OAO NAK AKI-OTYR carries on the works on the injection wells at Nizhne-Shapshinskoye field.
25.11.2014 aif.ru

Ulyanovskneft applies advanced technologies in drilling

Ulyanovskneft. Аdvanced technologies implementation allows to speed up the operations and improve their efficiency.
20.11.2014 kp.ru

RussNeft employees, who had started MA program at Lomonosov Moscow State University, were provided with student cards

Moscow. RussNeft employees, who had started MA program at Lomonosov Moscow State University, have got student cards
12.11.2014 Interfax

OAO MPK Aganneftegazgeologiya expands gas energy system of Yeguryakhinskoye field

Nizhnevartovsk, KHMAO-Yugra. Nizhnevartovsk, KHMAO-Yugra. OAO MPK Aganneftegazgeologiya (OAO NK RussNeft subsidiary) expands gas energy complex and electricity supply system at Yeguryakhinskoye field.
10.11.2014 MK.ru