© 2005–2024 ПАО НК «РуссНефть»

Corporate Governance

The corporate governance is viewed within PJSC “RussNeft” as a totality of the processes that are meant to ensure management and control of the Company`s operation for the benefit of its shareholders.

A system of Company`s corporate governance is aimed at creation and maintenance of reliable and trustworthy relations with investors and shareholders in order to enhance Company`s investment attractiveness. It is built on the principles of strict compliance with Russian legislation, protection of shareholders rights and interests, of fruitful cooperation with investors and business partners of the Company, as well as informational disclosure and transparency.

In order to enable the proper shareholders decision-making, the Company performs timely disclosure of complete and reliable information in compliance with Russian laws and adopted internal documents. Principles and procedures of PJSC “RussNeft” corporate governance are set out in the Articles of Association and number of other publicly available internal documents, which, in combination, provide for:

  • Equal opportunities for all shareholders in respect of the information access
  • Access of the shareholders and other stakeholders to complete and reliable information, including essential facts affecting the financial and economic activity of the Company
  • Protection of confidentiality and control over the unlawful use of proprietary information representing commercial secret of the Company.

The effective management, in particular the active and competent Board of Directors, plays an important part in the corporate governance system.

Board of Directors

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Viktor Martynov

Chairman of the Board of Directors
Independent Director

Sergey Stepashin

Chairman of the Audit Committee
Independent Director

Prozorovskaya Olga Evgenievna

Senior Vice President for Economics and Finance

Andrey Derekh

Chairman of the Remuneration and Nomination Committee
Independent Director

Committees of the Board of Directors

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Andrey Derekh

Chairman of the Remuneration and Nomination Committee
Independent Director

Viktor Martynov

Chairman of the Board of Directors
Independent Director

Anton Lvovich Maximov

Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Independent Director

Sergey Stepashin

Chairman of the Audit Committee
Independent Director

Corporate Governance

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The General Shareholders Meeting of PJSC “RussNeft” is a supreme governing body of the Company. The shareholders are entitled to take part in the Company’s governance, primarily through making decisions on the most crucial corporate matters at the General Shareholders Meeting. To exercise this right, the Company adopted internal documents that would ensure the shareholders` rights to call the General Meeting and to put items into the agenda of the General Shareholders Meeting, as well as to make adequate preparations for participation in the General Meeting and to vote. Updated information on The General Shareholders Meetings of PJSC “RussNeft” will be provided as it becomes available


Auditing Commission and Auditors of the Company

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