© 2005–2024 ПАО НК «РуссНефть»


Tolochek Evgeniy Viktorovich
Tolochek Evgeniy Viktorovich President
Date of birth:
April 05, 1975
Graduated from Samara State Technical University, specialized in Development and Operation in Oil and Gas Fields
Started his career in a position of a well driller, Well Servicing and Workover in 1997, further worked as production engineer in OAO Samaraneftegaz
2000 - 2004
Director of the workshop in JSC Tomskneft
2004 – 2006
Chief technician of ZAO Volganeft
2006 - 2007
Deputy General Director for Production in OAO Samarainvestneft
2007 – 2014
General Director of OAO Samarainvestneft
2014 – 2015
Deputy General Director for Production in OAO NK Neftisa
June 2015
Vice President for Production and Geology
November 8th, 2016
Took over his current post of President of PJSC "RussNeft"


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Malyshev Alexander Sergeevich

Vice President for Oil and Gas Production

Dokhlov Andrey Valerievich

Vice President for Economics and Budgeting

Evloev Magomed-Ali Sulambekovich

Vice President of Commerce

Elena Aleksandrovna Makarova

Vice President for Public Relations and Foreign Economic Activity of PJSC “RussNeft”