© 2005–2024 ПАО НК «РуссНефть»

Future superstars: FC Neftyanik successfully performed at interregional competitions

Founded under the patronage of PJSC «RussNeft», the Neftyanik Youth Football Club continues to develop and grow rapidly. This time, the players of Neftyanik played great at the Interregional futsal tournament in Kuznetsk, Penza region.
07.02.2023 MK

Gifts for children of the North: the holiday reaches the most remote towns of Ugra

Families of indigenous peoples of the North received New Year's gifts in the city of Raduzhny.
25.01.2023 MK

“The Best in Profession”: RussNeft held a competition for drivers

This year, the Nizhnevartovsk branch of PJSC “RussNeft” decided to celebrate the Day of Road Transport Workers in an unusual way. According to the press service, the company held a competition of professional skills under the title of "Best in Profession" among car drivers, where real masters of their craft were revealed.
27.10.2022 MK

Sanctions have no impact on oil production and technology

The sanctions restrictions against Russia did not have an impact on the oil production and technology of Russneft. To a greater extent the sanctions affected commodities markets. This was stated to journalists by the head of the company Evgeny Tolochek on the sidelines of the Tyumen Industrial and Energy Forum (TNF). "On production - no, on technologies – mostly no. It had more of an impact on sales markets, probably that`s all," he said. According to Tolochek, Russneft has no problems with either oil services or technology amid foreign companies` withdrawal from Russia.
21.09.2022 TASS

Cultural tradition development programs of Ugra indigenous people get their continuation

Today it became known that PJSC RussNeft took part in charity programs focusing on promotion of the unique culture and traditional economic activity of the indigenous peoples of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug – Yugra. 450 thousand rubles have been allocated for the implementation of social projects in 2022, according to the company's press release. The programs also provide for the promotion of the original culture of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, as well as the traditional economic activities of indigenous minorities of the region. As specified, financial assistance was provided to organizations undertaking the revival, preservation and development of folk arts, traditional crafts, as well as ensuring the preservation and continuity in the development of traditions. Among such organizations are the Inter-Settlement Center of National Crafts and Trades in the Agan rural settlement and the Salvation of Ugra public organization. The annual indigenous cultural festivals of the North peoples, held in the settlements of the Nizhnevartovsky district, will also receive financial support. Among these holidays are the Day of the Hunter and Reindeer Herder, the Day of Gray Crow Arrival and the Autumn Festival. A professional skills contest for the Ugra Governor`s Cup is held among the reindeer herders of the district. Representatives of the indigenous peoples of Ugra, including the Khanty and Mansi peoples, have lived in this territory for over 10 centuries. The Khanty population is estimated at 31.5 thousand people, while the number of Mansi is 12.5 thousand.
05.09.2022 MK