© 2005–2024 ПАО НК «РуссНефть»

RussNeft сonducts large-scale exercises

PJSC RussNeft has held large-scale exercises in the Saratov region. Emergency response services practiced in crude oil and petroleum products spill containment and response. The exercises took place near the village of Stepnoye of the Soviet Municipal district of the Saratov region, where the company's production facilities are located. Such trainings are held every three years, as they are large-scale in terms of the number of forces and means involved. According to the company's press service, during the exercises the skills of conducting emergency rescue and other urgent works on oil spill containment and response in case of oil ingress into a water body because of pipeline depressurization, were validated in practice. Employees of the Saratov branch, as well as employees of the Saratov territorial division of the Volga Center ECOSPAS and of the fire emergency response unit were involved in the works. A qualified commission assessed the validity and coherence of the exercises. It encompasses representatives of the Russian EMERCOM in the Saratov region, the Ministry of Nature and Ecology of the Saratov region, the territorial bodies of Rosprirodnadzor and Rostechnadzor, as well as a representative of the local administration. After the participants passed all stages, the commission highly appreciated the contribution of each participant. The verdict is that the operator Saratov branch of PJSC RussNeft is prepared for oil and petroleum products spill localization and response.

We care for future generations: PJSC “RusNeft” replenished the Ob-Irtysh fishery basin with biological resources

The Ob river basin was replenished with fish again. PJSC “RussNeft” released 397.5 thousand of peled small fry and 44.5 thousand of nelma small fry. The company has been engaged in arrangements as such for more than 5 years. The release of small fry into the reservoir is carried out under the supervision of specialists from the Tyumen branch of the All-Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography. The reproduction of nelma, a famous representative of the salmon family, is necessary to maintain the biobalance of the region. Nelma is on the verge of extinction, as, for example, is the muksun, the quantity of which has decreased by more than 30 times in the rivers of the Ob-Irtysh basin over the past 35–40 years. As experts say, without intensive artificial reproduction and solid investments, the situation will not return to normal on its own. The volume of PJSC “RussNeft” investments in the stocking of the Ob-Irtysh fishery basin this year alone amounted to RUB 5.37 million. The annual stocking of fish in the regions of oil production makes it possible to systematically restore aquatic biological resources affected during the development of deposits in Western Siberia. Measures for the artificial reproduction of aquatic biological resources were carried out by PJSC “RussNeft” as part of the implementation of projects developing Tagrinskoye and Verkhne-Shapshinskoye fields. According to scientists, such activities will restore the number of fish in the next decade.


PJSC „RussNeft” pays great attention to support and education of Russia's younger generation.

Graduates of the Higher School of Innovative Business of Moscow State University received diplomas

PJSC "RussNeft" and Lomonosov Moscow State University continue to develop a joint educational project - "Higher School of Innovative Business". This year, as part of the 11th stream of the School, undergraduates of the 2020-2022 academic years received diplomas.
