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The board of directors of Russneft has extended the authority of the president of the company, Evgeny Tolochek, for another five-year term

Tolochek was first elected president of the company and took office on November 8, 2016.
27.10.2021 Interfax

“RussNeft” will save RUB 1.1 billion on drilling technology

Average well development cost will decrease by 20%
23.09.2021 MK

RussNeft states that M. Gutseriev has no control over the Company

At its meeting on July 13, 2021, the Board of Directors of the oil company “RussNeft” confirmed that the Company does not have a controlling person, including that there is no control of the Company by Mikhail Gutseriev.
15.07.2021 Interfax

Russneft has won the environmental protection competition in Yugra

The company was recognized as the best in its category for 2020. RussNeft took first place in the competition "The best oil and gas production company in Yugra in the field of environmental protection" in 2020.
18.06.2021 MK