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RussNeft reported about the completion of the first stage of pilot tests in Saratov region

The Company continues to implement the gas program
30.04.2021 MK

RussNeft reported about the liquidation of sludge pits

RussNeft completed liquidation of sludge pits at the licenses of Khanty-Mansi Branch
20.04.2021 MK

RussNeft continues the project "We are the Children of Space!"

130 schoolchildren from Saratov region came to the sport festival at children's health center "Rovesnik"

RussNeft continues its charity programme to support the indigenous peoples of the North

The programme is aimed at preserving traditions and promoting Ugra's original culture

RussNeft resumes drilling at Vostochno-Kamennoye field

PJSC “RussNeft” (belongs to Mikhail Gutseriev’s SAFMAR Industrial and Financial Group) starts preparations for implementing the advance drilling program at Vostochno-Kamennoye field of Vodorazdelny license.
18.02.2021 MK