© 2005–2025 ПАО НК «РуссНефть»

Gold Pool of Human Resources

Those employees who have been working in the companies of RussNeft more than 16 years form the basis of the Company. One of the most important principles of the Company HR policy is succession of generations of oilmen. The Company has formed a candidate pool for top management positions in the companies of OAO NK RussNeft. The Company provides good opportunities to progress the career within the holding.

By developing its own strategic candidate pool the Company obtained the following competitive advantages:

  • a coordinated and close-knit team of managers, responsible for the final result,
  • maintenance of Company’s traditions, building a friendly atmosphere within the Company through allowing each employee to progress up the career ladder,
  • increasing the Company’s management general efficiency and, as a result, growth of production efficiency.
  • Promotion of Company’s employees up to the top-management position motivates each worker. Nowadays the formula of career success is to grow from a common worker up to a top manager.

Young professionals

Each year the company approves a list of social benefits in order to attract young professionals to work in the companies. Each young professional can be assured he/she receives a special social package. AO NK RussNeft employed above 60 young specialists in total in 2014. The companies of the holding regularly provide internship programs. 322 students of higher educational and specialized secondary educational institutions took part in internship programs in the subsidiaries of RussNeft in 2014.