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RussNeft's innovators have introduced more than 600 new projects into the corporate production process


The program of optimizing production costs of PJSC “RussNeft” through the implementation of 600 projects has brought an actual economic effect to the corporate budget of slightly more than 1.8 billion rubles. Since 2023, the Scientific and Technical Board of RussNeft has reviewed and recommended the implementation of over 100 new projects in various areas of the Company's production activities, such as: construction of new and repair of existing wells, energy efficiency, production technologies, oil and gas treatment and transportation, production facilities construction optimization, environmental and industrial safety, promotion of saving production culture and others. The corporate program for optimizing production costs has been launched at RussNeft for more than 7 years. Its main goal is to involve every employee of the Company in the process of optimizing production processes and costs.

About company

PJSC “RussNeft” ranks among the top-10 largest oil companies by crude oil production in Russia.

The Company possesses a well-balanced portfolio of assets located in the key Russian oil and gas provinces (West Siberia, Volga-Urals and Central Siberia).

The headcount of the Company is around 7,000 employees.

Press Release
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