PJSC “RussNeft” informs about the detected facts of fraudulent actions related to the illegal use of the name of the company, its Branches and Entities included in the corporate structure, in the sale of oil and petroleum products, as well as in the selection of personnel.
Thus, a number of frauds send commercial offers
on bitumen, mazut and other oil products sale by
To make the information contained in the offers
(file 1, file 2, file 3, file 4) convincing, the frauds use, among others,
Faked certificates and licenses of Department of Energy, certificates of Chamber of Commerce and Industry are also often used.
If the buyers express their intention to enter the transaction, they are offered to make prepayment on some assumed pretext. Immediately after the funds are received at their account the pseudo sellers disappear from the buyers’ field of vision. In a number of cases contacts with potential buyers are made on behalf of some people, who pretended to be the Company’s authorized agents for oil and oil products sales.
In addition, some fraudsters create websites of non-existent oil companies using information from the official corporate website of PJSC “RussNeft” (www.russneft.ru). For instance, the Chernomorneft-Gaz website (http://ccnmng.ru/), Oktanneft Oil Company website (http://oktanneft.ru/), SeverEnergia website (https://sever-energia.ru), RussNeft Trading House website (www.td-russneft.ru) were detected. Biographies of fictional top managers and the president, data on the structure of the company and subsidiaries, posted there contain information partially or completely copied from the official resources of PJSC “RussNeft” or JSC “NK “Neftisa”. Other sites (www.vareganneft.ru; www.
Fraudsters can use the name of PJSC “RussNeft”, its Branches and Entities included in the corporate structure, when pseudo-recruiting personnel for vacant positions. For instance, the ruvahta.ru and и ruvahta.pro websites containing advertisements for an invitation to work at the RussNeft production site, was found on the Internet. PJSC “RussNeft” has nothing to do with these websites and the ads posted on them.
Some legal entities have names similar to PJSC «RussNeft». These companies are neither subsidiaries of the holding, nor included into the corporate structure or affiliated to it.
In the light of the above, PJSC “RussNeft” states that representatives of the said companies and individuals conducting negotiations, allegedly on its behalf, regarding the supply of oil and petroleum products, as well as those engaged in the recruitment of personnel for vacant positions, in fact do not have such authority and are pursuing fraudulent goals. Therefore, PJSC “RussNeft” is not responsible for commercial offers, transactions, or other obligations of these structures and individuals.
In case of doubts about the competence of potential partners and personnel recruiting persons, you can contact the official address of PJSC “RussNeft”:
In case you have become a victim of frauds please apply to