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PJSC “RussNeft” supported charity projects in Saratov

05.02.2021 MK

PJSC “RussNeft” supported charity projects of Rovesnik, health center for children.

PJSC “RussNeft” supported charity projects of Rovesnik, health center for children.

In January volunteers performed their activities together with Molodezh Plus regional center. Activists and volunteers of the region’s children’s and youth associations participated in educational workshops and quests. Joint recreation has consolidated the community of active young people, which will continue to promote Saratov region in the field of volunteering and implementation of its own socially oriented projects.

            Within the framework of the next project Rovesnik was visited by the promising young athletes. The Young Olympians program brought together students of the Olympic Rackets sports school. Children informed themselves with the history of development of the Olympic movement in the country and traditions of the school, participated in outdoor activities.

            The Space Relay has completed the center's winter projects. In the year which marked the 60th anniversary of the first man's flight into space, students of the teacher’s training college learned about the history of space exploration in our country and around the world, as well as about the history of Gagarin Educational Institution. In addition to the intensive educational program, young "Gagarins" took part in the ski race and competitions.

            All three projects complied with the requirements of Russian Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing (Rospotrebnadzor).

In course of several years the projects of the health center have been successfully implemented with the support of PJSC “RussNeft”. Each project contributes to the intellectual and spiritual development of a child's personality, disclosure of his deep potential, patriotic education and full integration into society. Thanks to RussNeft Rovesnik has become a cultural and sports center, both on a regional and Russian scale.  

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